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1. Tuition amounts and registration fees are set annually by the Preschool Board.
2. Tuition is payable by check or money order in advance to St. John's Lutheran Preschool by the 20th day of the current month for the following month. Advance payments of more than one month at a time are also helpful. Tuition should be placed in the designated tuition collection box located outside of the main Preschool doors.
3. Any child whose tuition is more than 30 days delinquent will not be accepted for school and extended day attendance. All teaching and administrative staff of the Preschool are expected to observe this policy. Any exception must be approved in advance by the Preschool Board.
4. Since the expenses of the Preschool continue even during vacation time, tuition does not fluctuate when there are vacations during the month. (For example: Christmas, Easter, and personal vacations.)
5. Tuition guarantees a child a place in the Preschool and will be charged until the child is formally withdrawn. Any child who withdraws may re-apply to the Preschool as a new student. This may mean going on a waiting list, if one exists.
6. When a child is formally withdrawn from school, a prorated refund will be made for each school day left in the month in which the child is withdrawn, with the exception of September.
7. After July 31, all September tuition is non-refundable.
8. A limited amount of money is available to families in need of financial aid. Applications are available in the Preschool Office.
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